
Canadian Craziness: Day 4

                                                                                                    Canadian Craziness                                                               Day #4 Today we are visiting Old Montreal. In my opinion looked like Diagon Alley from Harry Potter world. We also had Canadian Poutine, which was pretty good. Not my favorite but at least I can say I tried it. We also went to a very old church. Which I think, was a little boring. All they did was kind of drone on about the history of the church. What  made me laugh super hard was that the charged people to light a candle. It was like a dollar a candle.  Anyway we also got to look around in shops. Another super cool part of the day was getting to the rainbow bulbs strung onto a string and made a rainbow. Old montreal was just basicly like a tourist's dream. Lots of "shoppy" places, my parents call them crap corners. I think we all can relate to whenever you drag you parents to "Dollar

Canadian Craziness: Day #3

                                                       Canadian Craziness                                                                Day #3                   On our 3rd day in Canada we headed to Otawa, we went downtown and got to see the most beautiful buildings. I found out later that they were the Parliment Buildings. We got a full tour of the building, we learned that the building used to be a train station. One  of my favorite parts of today was the ghost walk. The ghost walk consisted of a tour guide telling real ghost stories at historic places. There were a couple of chilling ones but most of them were ok.  When we were done with the ghost walk tour we went and saw some of the light show. (above) Sorry for such a short post today. Stay tuned for more on our Crazy Canadian trip tomorrow! Peace out fam!                                              

Canadian Craziness: Day #2

                                                  Cruising Through Canada                                                               Day #2 Welcome back friends to my blog Canadian Craziness! Today we hung out in Toronto. We had the chance to walk on these super cool Skywalks.  Prince and Sir Henry Pellett             To the left is a picture of the sky-walks, the sky- walks are like bridges with a bunch of windows that go over the train tracks below. But the funny part was that the window were ridicously dirty, but it was still visable. Then we went to Tim Hortons, nicknamed "Timmy's" by most Canadians, and then taking a shuttle and train to the city. In the city we visited the hockey hall of fame. It was pretty cool to see all of the pretty stained glass, we also got to take a picture with the Stanley Cup.  Later we went to a beautiful castle called Casa Loma. It was once home to Sir Henry and his wife, Lady Mary Dodgson. Sir Henry had many different secre

Canadian Craziness: Day 1

                                                                                                               Day #1 We all know how road trips are, stuffy cramped cars, stuck in the car with annoying siblings for hours on end, loud choruses of " Are we there yet?"  And most of all...  No Wifi! Yep you heard it folks, No Wifi! I know mindblowing right! A couple hours with out your phone! I mean unless you have Data then that's another story.. For me, none.                                        One other Canadian fun fact, There are no Dunkin Doughnuts! Instead there is a canadian version called Tim Hortons. It's the exact same except Tim Horton's "munchkins" are called "timbits." Which my sister loves. Like LOVES! <<<Timbits                                      Language Now that I have explained the bigger things let me let you in on a couple of details, about the language and currency and stuff like that.... for


Day #7 What would you wear to Universal Studios? A) Anything trendy B) pants and a t-shirt C) My hand-picked Harry Potter outfit Yeah I know I put in Harry Potter fandom so get used to it! So this is what I chose... We had just woken up and were about to get dressed and ready to go downstairs for breakfast. I had my own Harry Potter outfits for everyday in Universal/Disney. I wore a white shirt with flowy sleeves and a harry potter tie. Anyway I then had on my black dress pants. This is pretty simple for a harry potter nerd/geek! That's all for today fam peace out!


Day #6 What movie would you watch in the car if you  were allowed to pick? A) Any disney movie B) Harry Potter C) Any movie Can you tell what I picked? Here's how it went... I was the "MVP" for the day when my mom and dad were like, "Hey Carmella would you like to watch a movie?" of course I was like, "Sure!" and they asked me what I wanted. I didn't care as long as it was disney! So please tell me what you would have picked in the comments section and maybe your answer will be advertised in my next post! I'd love to hear your favorite movie! Anyway, we ended up watching the Lion King!  Well fam knowing me you probably know which one I chose! But as you know this is always an altime favorite of many people. But that's all for today guys.  HAKUNA MATATA!


Day #5 If you were in the car, looking out the window, what would you be most excited to see? A) Animals B) Flowers C) The different trees  I was most excited about.... I was most excited about seeing the cool trees, because when we were in Georgia it was like very normal trees but once we hit Tennessee the trees started to get thinner and taller. This showed how much the landscape is starting to change. Which means, that you start to see different trees. Such as your basic tree and your skinny tall ones. That's all for tonight! See ya later fam! Peace out! 


Day #4 What Fast food place would you be most excited to eat at? A) Burger King B) ANYTHING! C) Subway I bet most of you picked B! Here's what I picked.... "Ok Carmella you get to pick!" "YAY! I PICK SUBWAY!" *groans* "Nooooo not subway!" the backseat chants. "To bad! I say in a singsonging voice. "I pick remember?!!" my sibling's faces after they hear what I pick 30 Minutes later..... "Ok kidos what do you want at Subway?" my dad asks us. "Spicy Italian! Same here! Me Too!" 4 voices chorus. "ok 4 spicy italian's coming up!" 20 minutes later we are eating our delicious sandwichs from Subway. Fianally sleep falls on us, like a blanket. Our eyelids are heavy and our bellies full, we take a rest until we get to our hotel! That's all for today guys. Tune in to hear the rest of my #DaysofDisney.  Love yours, Carmella. See ya later Fam!✨


 Day #3  So here's the question, if you could eat anything at a hotel breakfast what would it be? Would you..... A) Eat anything and everything B) Just pick and Choose C) Nothing i'm not hungry Are you this hungry? So this is my response.... "Time for Breakfast." I wake up and throw on my clothes and slowly drag my self downstairs. As I arrive in the elevator I sniff, aromas of bacon, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, freshly brewed coffee and more fill my nose. My stomach rumbles. As I trod into the breakfast room I notice the big cases with thin plastic covering them. I rush over to the towering pile of paper plates. I move through the line taking numorus things. Bacon, eggs, cereal and many more is piled high on my paper plate. Fianally I reach the waffle maker. The aroma is amazing. Fresh and surupy waffles await me. I make my piping hot waffle and find a nice cushy chair next to the window. Taking a big bite of my waffle I recoil as it burns


                                                            Day #2                                               How would you entertain yourself stuck in the car with 3 siblings for half the day? Would you..... A) Color B) Text and use your phone C) Read a book D) Fight This is me and my siblings every day! Yeah I kind of took most of these options. The only one I didn't do, was use a phone. I don't have a phone. Yeah. I know, SHOCKING! Here's how this went down..... I sit in the middle row. My 7 year old brother sits next to me. Behind us is my two 11 and 10 year old sisters. Things get pretty interesting with us all together! It started out pretty good with us all being quiet and calm. Did I mention we all get motion sick very easily? So unfortunatly we have to take anti-motion sickness pills. Which also means no reading, no coloring, no NOTHING!  BORING! my brother's question every 3 seconds Anyway we had started this thing on our l


                                                                 Day #1                                                           What would you do first after being told you are taking a vacation to Disney World?                                                         Would you ....                                                     A) Make a packing list                                            B) Daydream about what it's like                                                   C) Research all about it? Hard question right?                    This is the question I had to face, but I chose C. Ok so basicly this is how I handled it... Anyway I woke up and had just finished my chores and music practice. I was really bored and had just remembered that we were going to Disney. I got up and ran over to my mom who was on the phone. Tugging on her sleeve I asked her, "Mommy what can I do?" I know right typical kid questions. So she answered,  "why don'


                                                                     DAY #0 So here's the question, if your parents told you, " Hey kids what would you do if we told you we're going to Disney World?"    What would your Response be? A)  Roll your eyes and say, "Yeah right. Nice joke guys."                             B) Scream like crazy and literally have your mind blown?                                                 C) Not care and ignore them and not believe them.  I mean who doesn't do this when they find out?     So my Response probably went something like this. We were driving in the car on the way back from our aunt and uncle and were watching our favorite movie of all times. (Harry Potter Duh!) And were discussing how cool it would be to be at the Hogwarts castle. When we asked my parents if we could go if my 2 other siblings, would read the books. They didn't answer. We took that as a deffinite