Day #3

So here's the question, if you could eat anything at a hotel breakfast what would it be?
Would you.....
A) Eat anything and everything
B) Just pick and Choose
C) Nothing i'm not hungry

Are you this hungry?
So this is my response....
"Time for Breakfast." I wake up and throw on my clothes and slowly drag my self downstairs. As I arrive in the elevator I sniff, aromas of bacon, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, freshly brewed coffee and more fill my nose. My stomach rumbles. As I trod into the breakfast room I notice the big cases with thin plastic covering them. I rush over to the towering pile of paper plates. I move through the line taking numorus things. Bacon, eggs, cereal and many more is piled high on my paper plate. Fianally I reach the waffle maker. The aroma is amazing. Fresh and surupy waffles await me. I make my piping hot waffle and find a nice cushy chair next to the window. Taking a big bite of my waffle I recoil as it burns my sensitive tongue. My taste buds are tingling in excitement. I take a swig of apple juice. The cold icy juice cools my sweltering tongue. "Carmella! Time to go sweetie!" Suprised I flip around spotting my parents arms full with bags. Mouth empty belly full I thank the people who made my scrumptious breakfast and leave. Sighing I open our van door. Good ridence Hilton Inn and Suites. 

That's all for today Fam! See ya later
Love yours, Carmella✨