
                                                                    DAY #0
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So here's the question, if your parents told you, " Hey kids what would you do if we told you we're going to Disney World?"   
What would your Response be?

A) Roll your eyes and say, "Yeah right. Nice joke guys."
                           B) Scream like crazy and literally have your mind blown?
                                               C) Not care and ignore them and not believe them. 

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I mean who doesn't do this when they find out?

   So my Response probably went something like this.
Image result for happily shocked disney gifWe were driving in the car on the way back from our aunt and uncle and were watching our favorite movie of all times. (Harry Potter Duh!) And were discussing how cool it would be to be at the Hogwarts castle. When we asked my parents if we could go if my 2 other siblings, would read the books. They didn't answer. We took that as a deffinite NO. So we were mad at the littler ones. We knew that it would never happen to we were telling them to start reading the books. My mom suddenly spoke up saying, "What if I told you if Will and Boy read the books, we would go to Harry Potter World?" Obiviously we were ecastic and excited but some of us didn't belive them. (me) Anyway the truth spilled and it came out that we were going.

Image result for disney book clip artMY PLAN....
1) Beg and plead for my siblings to read the books.
2) Madly discuss with my sister the news
      3) Brag to EVERY ONE!
        4) Research     
So it was settled, we would be going to Disney World over Winter Break! Stay tuned to hear the rest of my Magical Adventure! Peace out Fam! ✨

Love yours, Carmella Abramczyk


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